Null Space


Why Anti-Social Elements Are Good For Your Health!

Heard of "Survival of the Fittest?"
If you see what I see, it follows. For those who don't get it, here's my explanation. If there were no challenges, we would stop evolving. Consider a scenario wherein we are all perfect social animals - we work for the common good and do not hurt each other. Slowly, we become meek. We are no longer alert. There's no need to be on your toes, even if for very small periods of time. You see where I am going?
On the other hand, enemies (of any kind) push your evolutionary instincts to work. It could be your mind, body, or just your immune system.
Seen a recent study somewhere in the Western World about the ill effects of staying very very clean? Let me boast that I knew about it much before they started studying about it.
So, enjoy! Terrorists, garbage-on-roads, politics and rivalries are all good for you. Again, rejoice!

Blasts and Infrastructure

When will we wake up and teach our leaders a lesson - and tell them that they are not worthy of being called leaders in the first place!? Just think about this - having a well-planned city could reduced the impact of these bomb attacks, and possibly even averted some of them.
  • The locals are overcrowded - 3x times their capacity.
    • Extra load on station and platform handling infrastructure means deterioration in service quality. In case of accidents and such attacks, it become so much more difficult to rescue people and rush help to them.
  • Narrow roads - especially around hubs like railway stattions
    • It doesn't need a genious to figure out the implications. Apart from the everyday commuting pains, handling emergencies is tough.
  • Pathetic road construction techniques
    • Roads which need to be mended every few months easily point towards deep-rooted corruption in the system. And amazingly blind citizens don't even know where all their tax money goes, without them getting any infrastructure!
    • The ill-effects of bad roads is such a long list, it warrants another posting of its own.
  • Absent communication infrastructure - especially for disaster management
    • A good communication infrastructure could have helped railway authorities take quick action, to pass on the information of the first blast(s) to other passengers, who could have taken atleast some evasive action. Of course, all this with the help of available railway police and infrastructure.
    • And of course, quick communication could have helped in getting the police swing into action much more quickly.
    • Readying hospitals and ambulances quickly would be another important side-effect.

But there's nothing we will learn out of this. Whenever there are suggestions to stop influx of people into cities like Mumbai, some idiots come up with half-baked ideas about rights and all that cr@p. But when will they understand that no basic necessities and inhuman conditions also violate rights? Not to speak of blatant disregard for human life in case of such attacks.

Mumbai Blasts ...

Mumbai blasts 2005.
Friends Season 2.
Mumbai blasts 2006.
See the pattern? Now, it sounds more like a seasonal event. No worries. 200 votes is not a likely margin of defeat in any of our elections. Moreover, not all those people were from the same constituency. Plus, with around 30% turnouts during voting, the damage is not all that great. On the positive side, there's an opportunity to divide the people again, and that could be an advantage. So, depending on the constituency one fights from (the demographics ...), one can come up with the right arguments to convince the voters. Let me see what my stand should be. (Analyze demographic information from the intelligence report I got made when I was in power last time). OK. Clear.

Update: What rubbish! My constituency's boundaries have been redrawn. Oh Gawd! I need to take an opposite stand if I should win the next time! Might look silly. Not that I am not used to it, but ... Oh, wait a min! Reserved for women? Great, if my wife takes the opposite stand, might not sound all that bad after all. (Reach for the phone ...)

I'm linked!

A famous blogger has linked to my site. Ok, even if he's not that famous, mark my words. He will be one day. And then, I'll be called The Prophet. Anyways, writing after a long time, and being phunny, don't normally go hand in hand. But I have a reputation to live upto. I'm not the PJ-master of the local chapter for nothing. *Squeak*. (Oops! Sorry, the rust is showing.) Anyways, because I'm in the spotlight, gotta clean up and act active. So, keep watching.