I'm linked!
A famous blogger has linked to my site. Ok, even if he's not that famous, mark my words. He will be one day. And then, I'll be called The Prophet.
Anyways, writing after a long time, and being phunny, don't normally go hand in hand. But I have a reputation to live upto. I'm not the PJ-master of the local chapter for nothing. *Squeak*. (Oops! Sorry, the rust is showing.)
Anyways, because I'm in the spotlight, gotta clean up and act active. So, keep watching.
Ok, it's bad to be the first to comment on one's own posting, but this is more of a clarification. The PJ was not on Vivek being famous. It was about the Prophet part ...
Now, I can't complain about no comments on this one, btw.
Ravindra Jaju, at 4:22 AM
Just keep posting!
RJ must keep the flow of PJs coming!
Vivek Kumar, at 9:55 PM
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