Null Space


Did you know?: How does pound abbreviate to lb?

Questions & Answers: Abbreviation lb for pound: " [Q] From Andrea: “Why are pounds, when used as a weight, abbreviated lbs?”"

Articles: ASYE

Articles: ASYE:
"Perhaps it is our acquired behavioural bias towards haste that has caused it, but there is certainly something in the modern mind which is attracted to abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms."
A nice read on how abbreviationism can be taken to the extremes ... this is an example in the English World but can be easily co-related with Indian babudom. ;-)


I feel on top of the world!

Knowing that it's a big big sphere (well, almost,) I know I am almost 100% right*. It's exhilarating! And it's nice to know that it's not lonely here, at the top. Some six billion other human beings, and a trillion other animate and inanimate objects.

Ah, suddenly, it feels so crowded! Almost suffocating? Surprisingly, no. There's enough room. Enough oxygen. Enough for some more years, I guess. We (humans) are quite good at desecrating anything which is Good. We'll soon be left with no rocky mountains, but cement ones. No more metals for mining. All in the air and buildings. No soil for making bricks, or growing food. No trees. No forests with animals. No deeply blue, lively seas. No humans.

Why don't we conserve?

India beat Sri Lanka

Or, is it India beats Sri Lanka? I don't understand which one is right. Or even if one of them is wrong! Comments/answers welcome ... :)